Check out this beautiful Hawk, I got pictures of yesterday. Richard and I were at the building permit office, in Leonardtown, right next to the Sheriff's office. I was waiting outside, I knew it was going to take a least 30 minutes for the paper work to come threw, and there was a big open field beside the building, I knew I was going to see something. So I pull out my camera. Let me set the stage...... It's a beautiful day, bright and sunny. An older gray headed lady, pulled up beside me, I smiled at her and said hello, she "grunts" and walks in the building.
I saw a hawk flying over the field coming closer to me. I start taking shots, any second I am going to get the "perfect" shot, it's coming..............then I hear this loud, half-man sounding voice, "I DON'T NORMALLY ASK PEOPLE FOR THIS, BUT DO YOU HAVE A DOLLAR? I DON'T EVEN HAVE ONE AT HOME!" It's the same woman I said hi to earlier, and she snubbed me. Not only, do i miss my "perfect" shot... I give up a dollar as well.
The hawk is now gone, like my dollar. So I decide to look threw the pictures I did get, to see if any were any good. THEN............................................................................................................
All of a sudden a cop car pulls up behind me in the parking lot, lights on. Two police officers jump out of the car, one stays to the back of my truck on the passenger side, ( I guess they thought I was a runner, and why not!) The other officer comes to my window and asks me for Id, I said "certainly, Is something wrong?".... The cop says "Why are you taking pictures of the Sheriff's Office?"
I have a total look of disbelief, and explain to the PO PO, I was not taking pictures of the sheriffs office and showed him, on my camera I was taking pictures of birds. I told him I was a bird watcher and scrapbooker. I asked did he still wanted to see my ID, and he did.
He goes back to the car, while Po Po #2 guards my passenger door. (If I had decided to run, there is no way they would have caught me, they would have ran as hard and as long as possible, fell on the ground, holding their sides, tears running down their face, and stated "Man, She's Fast!!!!"
Mr. Officer comes back to the truck and could not find any warrants for me, { yet }, and tells me he is with Counter Intelligence, and their was a federal drug raid. They found out the the drug dealers were taking pictures of the cars that come and go at the station, so they would recognize cop cars in their neighborhood. If the dollar lady had stuck around maybe she could have taken a picture of me with the POLICE. "No good deed, goes unpunished"
ONLY ME!!!!!
1 comment:
I did not know about this. lol. It is quite funny. =]
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