It starts here!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Well, is it Fall????

Yes, it is!!! I know today feels a lot like winter here, with the wind, rain, and it's cold! It's funny, you go right from turning off the AC, to switching on the heat. It seems that way... Speaking of fall a couple weeks ago, Richard, Nicki, and I went to the mountains over Columbus day weekend. We went to my Uncle's and Aunt's cabin, in Allegany County, with Debbie and Andy. I just love it there! We have decided we are moving there!!! Yep! If we can get things in order in the next year to 18 months, just call us "Mountain Folks"!

I have never felt so at peace before, looking out at the wilderness, no rush, no traffic, we could actually sit on the side of the road and look at a deer or a squirrel, and a car never passed us. When we did talk to people they were incredibility nice!

The leaves were changing, so we rode around taking pictures of the scenery. Well, we ran across this guy, Warren Malory. He was cutting his grass, he got off his lawn mower came over and started talking to us. He said if we wanted to see some leaves with color go down in his yard, (which is a side of a mountain) , and look back. Well, I;m no hiker, not by a LONG shot. I wasn't walking down that thing. Warren grabs the keys to his golf cart and insists me, Richard and Nicki ride it down and look around. Well we did! I could not believe how nice he was!! He told us all about the wildlife around there, including turkeys, deer, bear, wood ducks. He told us a couple stories about bear coming up on his deck and how his dog could smell the bear outside and was going crazy to get to him. He would not let his dog go, he knew the bear would have really hurt him.
Here is a shot of one of his 5 ponds and the view of the leaves he was talking about. He invited us back to fish in his ponds the next time we are up. Warren was packing a GUN!!! Yep on his hip, holster and all. I was very impressed!! I want to pack some heat too!!!

Just to tell you how nice people are, we went to this shop to look around, well the sign on the door said OPEN, but it was locked. But, there was a note to visit another shop about 1/4 mile up the road. Debbie, Richard, Me and Nicki, stand there and Andy drives the truck up to the other shop to see if anyone would be down there to open up the door. Well, when Andy comes back he is holding the key to the store!! They gave him the key to unlock the door and for us to go in and look around and about 20 minutes later here comes someone. I could not believe they would just give strangers the key to their store and look around. I was totally floored!!!!!

Here are just a couple of pictures I took up there, I think I took over a 100.
Isn't it just beautiful??!!!!???? Love you-mean it!!!

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